Thursday, 19 February 2009

My Snow Day

Well, after many people telling us it would not snow that much here in London for winter I was feeling a bit down about not being able to play in the snow whilst here. 

Well, It happened. A few weeks ago I got my wish. After a long eighteen years of little or no snow during the winter months, it did snow and quite a bit! It actually started the night before these photos were taken. I heard people playing in the snow outside way past 2:00 a.m. 

There is something about the snow, everyone turns into little kids and has to at least get out and make a snow man or throw a few snow balls around. I was no exception. I was antsy from the time I got up and looked out the window the next morning. I was on a mission to make a snowman and maybe even a snow angel... 

A few of my roommates, Emmy, Amelia and Charlot, came along to play as well. 

Emmy and me

Charlot and me

Our snowman!

Our snowman from the window of our flat

Duckie and me

Northwick Park Tube station next to campus easy access to travel!

Yay! Me making a snow angel!