Sunday, 21 September 2008

Day four in Ashford Kent, Our last day with Chris

September 21,2008

Our last day spent in Ashford Kent with Chris, we went to the Cliff Top Cafe and had coffee and enjoyed the breathtaking view looking out towards France..

Me and Duckie taking in the scene.

The future is so bright...

the view from the cafe

Later that day we made it to the coast again at Folkestone beach. 

Chris playing in the water. Silly boy

Shawn the sheep at Dover castle..

The Dover cliff castle, so beautiful! What a great time I had hanging out with Chris and his friends! My last trip to UK was mostly spent in London so to see the countryside was such a pleasure. I definitely hope to get back over this way again!

The next morning, to Luton! Chris took us and all of our luggage to the train station the next morning. He helped us into the station and directed us to where we could purchase our tickets. We said our goodbyes to Chris and made our way through the station for a long morning of pulling luggage about...

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